Friday, December 7, 2012

Weekly Link


I loved starting this week off with visiting the Harrison K-Life Barn! The best thing about the Harrison K-Life Barn is that it is similar to the K-1 party barn, it has a huge indoor barn swing! For those of you who have never been on a barn swing, it is a large rope swing hung from the rafters.  We climbed up the stairs, and waited on a platform for someone to pass the swing up.  Once you step up, and secure the swing under your rump, the best thing is to run at full speed off the platform.  You then swing over a foam pit in in circles until you slow down and jump off into the large pit of foam. If you are feeling real adventurous you can try to run up onto the platform mid-swing and regain your momentum. It’s just great fun!
On Wednesday Antoine Mack spoke to us on time perspective. He said that our time perspective greatly influences our thoughts and actions. He also said that temptation is a matter of time. I had never thought of these things factoring into our perception of time but they are so true. He made a great point about the acronym YOLO (you only live once). This is a popular saying but if you were to be playing Mario and you only have one life left, how would you play? You would play carefully so that you didn’t die and lose your last life. So why do we not live that way?  We’ve only been given one life and we should be good stewards of the time that we have been given here on earth. 


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