Thursday, March 14, 2013


taken with, charmed by, captivated, smitten by

If you read 1 Peter 1:3-12, you will see how Peter is so enamored with his salvation and his relationship with Christ. This is a very common theme among New Testament authors. Why is it that these authors stress salvation so much in their writings? It’s because they value and appreciate the gift of salvation so much, it’s the most important thing in their life. Christ DIED on the cross for us!!!! That is no small thing, he gave his Life, and we see Peter (along with other New Testament authors) just enthralled by and in awe of this! However, it’s rare that we see people in our world today respond in the same way Peter does, but why? Here are some questions with answers that we discussed this week, these are valid questions but some of the answers are quite disheartening.

Q: Why aren’t more Christians enamored in their relationship with Christ?
A: The gospel is often sugar coated, and misinterpreted. This can lead to great expectations and when they are not met people become disappointed. People often just grow complacent and lose their passion for the Gospel.
Q: Why is it that in most Christian communities people aren’t ready to enthusiastically share their salvation?
A: People have a fear of rejection and the way others will react. It can be hard and uncomfortable to address. Many don’t feel equipped to do so and many believe that salvation is only for the beginner (this is not true, salvation is for everyone).
Q: Why does it matter if our society lacks enamorment with Christ? What is the price of a community losing this enamorement?
A: There’s a big price to pay! These Christian communities are growing complacent, losing their passion and desire for Christ. They are “chasing experiences” to be filled, and this is exhausting.
 NEWS FLASH: the Christian life isn’t an experience that comes a few times a year.

The answers to these questions make me so sad. Christ died for US!!! Don’t’ ever forget that! We should be passionate about that all day every day!! We can’t forget this or take it lightly. We should be so captivated, so grateful and so excited about the gift of salvation, but it is so often taken for granted. We cannot allow ourselves to grow complacent, as a Christian the Gospel should still and ALWAYS enamor us! Are you enamored with Christ? I challenge those who read this to read 1 Peter 1:3-12 and see how enamored Peter was with Christ’s gift of salvation, then ask yourself again, am I enamored with Christ?


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